Thursday, February 19, 2009

Been Away For A Long Time

I am welcoming myself back to my blog, how sad is it to state that I forgot all about my own blog site? As I was looking for a different blog. lo and behold I found myself. :-))) think confussion when you smile.

A good catch up would begin in the year 2008. Last year was a medical trial for me and my family. Four major foot surgeries from January to December left me wondering if the merry-go-round would ever end. It has the one and only 2009 surgery that I propose to have is my right leg amputated below the knee. From the day of the surgery on I will be in recovery mode, learning to walk with two prosthesis mode, having a full and rich life back once again mode.

Full and rich this I envision as: walking for fun and exercise without pain, ridding my bike, shopping for simple things as groceries without being in pain, walking up and down the stairs in my home comfortably, and most important, perhaps the highest priority for me would be: PLAYING WITH MY GRANDCHILDREN as I have always done in the past. This all adds up to one agenda--Quality of Life---more important to me than a mere leg.

The love of my life Bobby is being a dream about all of the above, his priority is having a healthy happy wife. He is also looking forward to going out for pleasure walks and athletic walks with me once again. It has been almost 2 years since we have been able to do so. Come on summer, by then I have full confidence that I will be out and about.

Thanks to Charlie Crone of Nascott Rehab, Certified Prothetist Extraordinaire will once again create a prosthetic leg for me, which in all reality is MY leg. Jokingly bought and paid for so it must me mine!

Kudos and many thanks in advance (as I write this I am expecting a call from my surgeon for the surgical date), to Dr. Christopher Attinger who is in my humble opinion, as well as countless other individuals, the top plastic surgeon in the US if not the western world. Thank you Dr. Attinger for using your exemplary sills and talent in taking such wonderful care of me all of these years. Hooah!

My daughters are a joy to me all of the time. Malinda is constantly increasing her knowledge and world about her. As of now she is a massage therapist, and growing in compassion and beauty (sprititual as well as physciall) each and every day. Thanks Malinda for believing in me you do not have how much it means to me. I have come a long way baby, and you are part and parcel of my growing up.

Rachael the other wonderful child has blessed me in many many ways. The top in my book is providing me with a son-in-law (really the son I did not adopt nor carry in my womb) by the name of Joel. Then the blessings just kept pouring in...5 grandchildren have been held in my arms from the time of birth, and along the path of their maturity path. Rachael there are not words that can describe how grateful I am for this supreme gift of Joel and the children.

As for pets, yes all of the 8 cats are dandy. Yes, I am "The Crazy Cat Lady Who Lives Down the Street" this is a perfect title for me, I accept it and wear it proudly. Rachael was the one who crowned me as such; and my I ask where is my crown?

Now that my mind has been jogged I do hope to maintain the blog on at least a weekly basis.

Please leave your thoughts, comments I enjoy so much reading what others are thinking.

Ah ha do not forget to take the poll, just for fun Just Do It!